Books still to collect: 81

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

A Tale Told By An Idiot, Full Of Sound And Fury

I received an interesting email recently, bloggers, from a fellow T3I fan who told me of his passion for these most nectar of books.  He and his two mates were so into them that they started their own detective agency, with the intention of solving as many mysteries as they could.  I’m not sure how successful they were as a detective agency, but he did mention the story of the time when one of the boys’ mother was suspicious as to the contents of the briefcase that these three kept their case notes in as they made their way to and from the attic that served as headquarters.  Her reasoning seemed to be that what else would boys have in a locked briefcase in a loft other than tod mags? 

Anyway this correspondent explained to me that his first exposure to the Three Investigators was via the Terror Castle audio cassette, with which he was so enamoured that he sought out the books and went on to be a huge fan.  The reason I mention this story, bloggers is this:
It arrived in the mail recently from an eBay seller who had it listed along with another couple of unrelated childrens audio books.  Of course I snapped it up, as my collection was lacking in that department.  If you haven’t heard these audio adaptations of Terror Castle and Stuttering Parrot, I urge you to seek out a copy immediately; you can probably find them converted to MP3 and available on some bit torrent site or other.  They are absolutely of the highest quality with an outstanding performance by Valentine Dyall as Hitch himself.  They are also hugely faithful to the source books, bloggers, so much so that Bob doesn't get it on with any pre-teen temptresses, in fact he does exactly what he does in the book!  So if the movies pissed you off because they were not exactly faithful, maybe these will be more up your street.


  1. This is such a great post same as the page of private investigators Orlando fl. Keep it up!

  2. Shut it, Morgan.

  3. Check this little T3I BARGAIN out the seller has more chance of Alfred Hitchcock coming back from the dead than selling this lot for 50 quid!
