Books still to collect: 81

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Might There Not Be A Charity Shop In Sin?

We all know that charity shops are fairly nectar places to look for Three Investigators books, bloggers, but how many of us know that these charities also operated an online service for T3I fans?  Well they do.  I was doing my usual daily ritual of searching the corners of the internet for T3I books, when I stumbled upon Oxfam’s online store.  Here they offered all of the same kind of shite you might find in an Oxfam high street shop, with records, clothes, CDs, DVDs and, you’ve guessed it, Three Investigators books!  In fact they had about 8 small hardbacks, all being offered by the Oxfam shop in Newcastle.  Now, I’ve been to Newcastle a few times, bloggers, and never found any Three Investigators books at all.  In fact the closest I’ve come was in nearby Whitley Bay, where I bought a large box of Harold Hill Hardy Boys from Oliver’s Bookshop a few years ago (I’ll never forget Oliver telling me to watch his shop while he jumped in his car and nipped home to get them; I’m sure that wouldn’t happen in Waterstone’s).  Anyway I’m digressing again; sorry, bloggers.  I ordered four of these small hardbacks as upgrades to my own copies; I went for Flaming Footprints, Phantom Lake, Haunted Mirror and Invisible Dog.  All at the frankly awesome price of £5.99 each including postage.  Here’s what they looked like:

 Nice, eh?  That Flaming Footprints replaces the manky one I had with the painted spine and the Phantom Lake and Haunted Mirrors both have much nicer spines than my previous copies, so I can list the old ones on eBay.  The Invisible Dog turned out not to be an upgrade at all, since my own copy was better.  Getting these hardback upgrades is nice, bloggers, but it doesn’t make that number in red at the top of the page go down any and I really need to pull my finger out and get myself involved in some hot paperback T3I action.

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